EVisi has integrated our siteCharge software used to optimise and manage fleet EV charger power distribution, with Vector networks Distributed Energy Resource Management System (DERMS).
Vector uses Derms to manage the available power at fleet EV charge sites so that peak power demand does not negatively impact the local electricity distribution network. DERMS provides dynamic power profiles on a recurring basis which siteCharge software uses to optimise charger poswer profiles so the total charge site power demand does not exceed the power limit at any point in time.
siteCharge is automatically knows how much energy each vehicle charge session requires and what time each vehicle charge session needs to to be completed — for all the vehicles being charged at the charge site. with this information, siteCharge can distribute available power to each charger to optimally deliver power to each charger while not exceeding the Vector limits.
The siteCharge optimisation algorithms also attempt to shift as moch of the charge energy to lowest electricity price time periods to minimise EV charge costs. This process is good for the charge site operator, good for Vector networks and good for auckland electricity users as it minimises the requirement for expensive electricity network system upgrades saving all electricity consumers money in the long term.

The Vector networks DERMS connection standard outlines the possible available technologies that may assist with managing peak power demand to enable more EV chargers to utilise the existing electricity networks while delaying potential infrastrucutre upgrade requirements. The OSCP protocol is one such technology display in image above.